I am truely grateful to Kelly for introducing me to kinesiology and I feel honoured to be her client.

It's been such a pleasure to be part of this journey with her, I can see and feel how passionate she is about her work.

I am beyond words on how much insight I get about myself in my sessions on so many different levels.

Kelly is always so spot on with what comes up for me and explains every thing in an understandable way. I feel so safe, comfortable and supported when I come to see her. I love my goals and mantras that I take away with me too as it is empowering to continue the work at home between appointments.

I can say that being a client of hers has changed my life and with seeing the benefits myself I also bring my two children to see her. This has been a wonderful time for them to open up and take on board what comes up for them.

I highly recommend her to anyone looking to create some positive change, balance and stability in their lives.

Thank you so much and keep shining your beautiful light ❤ its muchly appreciated by Jaya, Kydas and I.

- Kelly, L

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Kristen Bertolini

Amazing work, would recommend anyone too see her, Kelly is a very powerful healer(working together), and is an awesome tool to help you come back into unity with yourself, Kelly is wise and has a full grasp of kinesiology work! Will be a regulars customer for years to come!

- Brayden S

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Kristen Bertolini

I have only tried one other Kinesiologist for one session before I began sessions with Kelly. At the time i was suffering chronic pain due to a trapped nerve under my lumber spine. Pain relief did not give me any relief so my Physio suggested Kinesiology.

Kelly was very professional and fully focussed on my problem using her incredible knowledge or how our emotions become trapped in our bodies causing disease. I was blown away several times when she came up with dates when significant traumas occurred in my past. I have received so much insight to where and when my emotional & physical pain have started. Kinesiology is not a quick fix, but a long lasting fix and you soon discover there is a lot to unravel to find the root of the causes.

Kelly has truly found her calling as a healer and i will continue to recommend her to anyone who is in need.

- Di, G

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Kristen Bertolini

My Journey with Kelly was both deep and illuminating.

I was able to move out of my depression over the four sessions.
Kelly provided an acute awareness of my anger and allowed space to explore and release.
The nature of life is no longer overwhelming.
I feel balanced and clear and have the power to live my life from a place of deep feeling and beauty.
I recommend Kelly for anyone stuck in the depths of emotion and uncertainty.

- Brittany, G

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Kristen Bertolini

Kelly is an incredible Kineasologist, every session leads to amazing revelations and deep healing that is grounded and integrative. I love the empowerment of working with the body’s language, with Kelly as a powerful translator who has a rich diversity of skills to move stuck energy and realign the body, heart, mind and soul.

Kelly holds a clear and strong container which allows you to feel safe and go deep. Its truly universal work and I can’t recommend her enough!

- Isabella G

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Kristen Bertolini

To be honest my mind is and continues to be blown with the results and the effect which kinesiology by kelly is having on my life.

I have been seeing Kelly for around a year now and in this time my life has undergone dramatic shifts personally.

I have worked through everything which seems to hold me back on many levels. Going back generations in my family line, my present day emotional blockages, transforming and dissolving past energys i carry from old relationships and cleaning up my sexual health.

These are just some of the things that I have worked with Kelly on and have found changes and shifts into lighter and positive feels.

I trust Kelly and have no problem revealing my most personal issues with her knowing she will always professionally and empathetically hold this space.

I have done a lot of personal work on myself through the years and the Kinesiology with Kelly I have found my most powerful.

In deep gratitude

- Freddy, R

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Kristen Bertolini

Amazing experience every session I did with Kelly. Professional and really kind!
Looking into yourself it’s the best way to be a better person out there in the world we live.
Highly recommend it.

- Francesco, G

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Kristen Bertolini

I have been seeing Kelly for a few years now. She generates warmth as soon as you walk in and instantly makes you feel at ease with her.

Her sound knowledge techniques in healing have helped me emmensly. I look forward to seeing her everytime i go! Thank you Kelly!

- Tanya, K

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Kristen Bertolini

I would like to commend Kelly for her work which I have found healing and effective.

Kelly has been very professional in her approach and treatments.

She has provided a quiet and comfortable and safe healing space where I felt cared for enough to be able to release tears, feel vibrational release, acknowledge insights of previous events in my life affecting me and experience the unblocking of old patterns to help me move forward.
I had been very despondent, contracted and feeling like the end of the road and after 2 sessions am feeling happy and optimistic and opening to a new beginnings.
The world is now full of rainbows.
I highly recommend Kelly in her work as a skilful kinesiologist.

- Dhyana, I

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Kristen Bertolini