To be honest my mind is and continues to be blown with the results and the effect which kinesiology by kelly is having on my life.

I have been seeing Kelly for around a year now and in this time my life has undergone dramatic shifts personally. 

I have worked through everything which seems to hold me back on many levels. Going back generations in my family line, my present day emotional blockages, transforming and dissolving past energys i carry from old relationships and cleaning up my sexual health.

These are just some of the things that I have worked with Kelly on and have found changes and shifts into lighter and positive feels.

I trust Kelly and have no problem revealing my most personal issues with her knowing she will always professionally and empathetically hold this space.

I have done a lot of personal work on myself through the years and the Kinesiology with Kelly I have found my most powerful.

In deep gratitude

- Freddy, R

Kristen Bertolini