The Learning Enhancement Advanced Protocol (LEAP) is based on the model of the brain having two separate types of processing information that are complementary, Gestalt and Logic. LEAP was originally focussed on the basis of extensive experience with children and adults who have had moderate to severe Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD) including noticeable brain damage. The focus of brain integration is thus established to maintain the ability under varying levels of stress to access specific brain functions, then integrate and maintain these brain functions. Most learning difficulties and areas of dysfunction is generally because of a lack of brain integration or the circumstantial loss of brain integration. When we struggle to learn things or cannot understand what is being explained, we have lost our brain integration. This is often why we tend to repeat the same mistakes over and over again in life.
All new learning is inherently stressful and this degree of stress affects our mental processing. When the functions required to do a task are ‘blocked’ or inaccessible, the brain is not integrated and at this point no matter how clear an explanation is given or presented, the person will be unable to understand or learn the concept presented. The most common learning difficulties arises from a ‘blocked’ Corpus Callosum. From a LEAP perspective, it is a loss of Brain Integration. To perform tasks, we need the brain to integrate to perform these specific tasks. When people all of a sudden stop learning and just can’t seem to understand what is being explained to them, they have lost their Brain Integration.
When we perform a mental function, our conscious mind asks the subconscious mind to do the work. Therefore our conscious input only provides a direction and the subconscious follows out the order and performs the function. If any of the subconscious function pathways are ‘blocked’ during a mental process, then often learning difficulties arise due to a compromised function resulting in a function being unable to be performed.
Kinesiology provides a means of identifying where these ‘blocks’ occur. Muscle monitoring provides an indication and acts as an interface between neurological function and the more subtle energies of the mental, emotional and energetic bodies.
With specific LEAP formatting it is possible to correct most types of Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD’s) and therefore improve mental performance in a vast array of areas.